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Yale School of Management
Candidate Feedback
At Yale SOM, we believe that everyone is part of the team. Regardless of your role, if you interacted with an admissions candidate, we welcome your feedback. Your comments will be considered in conjunction with other aspects of a holistic applicant evaluation to help us arrive at the best and most informed decision.
If this is a candidate you know on a deeper level through work or other engagements and you'd like to endorse them, we recommend completing the
Candidate Referral Form
Information About the Candidate (as much as known):
Candidate First Name
Candidate Last Name
Candidate Email
Other Candidate Identifier (Geography, Employer, or Other)
After interacting with this candidate, I feel:
After interacting with this candidate, I feel:
More enthusiastic about them
Less enthusiastic about them
Please provide any comments (additional context and how you know the candidate or came to interact with him/her):
Information About You, the Referrer:
Your Name and Role/Title
Your Email Address